In March 2025, Western Australians will choose the state's direction for the next four years. This is a critical moment — not just for the Animal Justice Party, but for the animals we are fighting to protect.
We’ve seen the incredible impact Animal Justice Party MPs have had in other states.
Our MPs in Victoria and NSW have outlawed puppy farming, banned forced smoking and swim experiments on animals, reformed animal sexual abuse laws, secured tens of millions of dollars for animal rescue organisations and community groups, overhauled animal protection legislation, passed a motion to introduce 'Veticare', led parliamentary inquiries on wildlife road strike, brumby shooting, the veterinary crisis, pig gassing and confinement, and so much more.....
With your help, we can do the same in WA. Help elect WA's first Animal Justice Party MP.
Why Vote #1 Animal Justice Party?
In the WA preferential voting system, your #1 Vote holds power.
It's a common myth that voting #1 for a minor party is a "wasted vote". But this couldn't be further from the truth.
Your #1 Vote gives us a real chance at having an MP elected to the Upper House. When you place the AJP #1, and then your other preferred parties #2, #3, etc ... the full weight of your primary (#1) vote will go to us. Then, your vote will flow to your second preference party, and so on.
When you place the AJP at #1 on the ballot paper:
- You send a strong message to the major parties that you care about animal rights, environmental protection, and social justice
- You help us build 'political capital' - allowing the AJP to negotiate with other parties for preferences in order to secure tangible promises and campaign 'wins'
- You secure our future by supporting us to achieve funding, which we are only eligible for if we receive a certain amount of #1 votes
- You become part of a movement, building momentum to reform legislation and strengthen our influence on other parties
At all times, you are in control of your own preferences. Your vote will flow on in whichever way you decide -- but with the AJP in your #1 spot, your voice is heard and counted from the very beginning of the vote count.
Vote #1 Animal Justice Party in the Upper House.
Our Election Platform: A Plan for a Kinder WA
Too many animals across WA face a cruel reality.
Whether they be greyhounds raced to death on track, pigs gassed and confined in sow stalls, or our native black cockatoos on the precipice of extinction, our animals have been abandoned by the State Government.
In NSW and Victoria, where we have elected representatives, we have changed laws and saved lives. With your support, we will do the same in WA.
Our Plan for Animals, People, Planet
- Veticare for WA
- Ending Greyhound Racing
- Protecting Wildlife
- An Independent WA Office of Animal Protection
For too long, animal issues have been ignored by the major political parties. This is why the Animal Justice Party was created - to give a political voice to animals.
As the only political party dedicated to ending animal cruelty, we ask for your support to have an MP elected - so we can implement our plan to put animals, people and our planet first.
They can't vote. You can.
Vote #1 Animal Justice Party in the Upper House.